
media and islam

Yet another slander!!
Yet another blasphemy!!

No voices heard!!
No actions taken!!

No call for ban
No call for justice

Are we the Muslims who claim they love Allah & his book &and his messenger (pbuh) more than anything &everything???????
Are we the Muslims who Islam wants us to be??????

I say, shame on us for we are dead on the right path, DEAD! DEAD! DEAD!!!!
Look at the enemy how bold and cleaver his call!!
Look at his smartness & intellectual weapon, how perfectly he uses against you, coz he is Alive!
On the wrong path, ALIVE! ALIVE! ALIVE!!!!!

This blog in protest for the miss information shown in the move “The Kingdom” is completely wrong and incorrect there is not a single verse in full book “Holly Qur’an” I repeat not a single verse, it’s been quoted in this move at the seine mark 45-50min (watch those 5minuts with careful ears) where it reads “you will get “70 virgins” when you enter the life hereafter (paradise)”? I challenge any one on this planet or outside no matter, to show me those words, and by the way “Holly Qur’an” has got no different versions it’s unlike the Holly Bible, or any other book, easy for you to find,
this is not the only misconception or miss information that the Some Americans or any other non Muslims have, but many and many more, we Muslims don’t pay attention to them in clearing these, though it’s our very duty as Muslim but we forgot that duty, hence we are under the humiliation and shame exactly what Allah has promised, if you turn away from your duty then surely Allah too will turn away from you, more over he will replace with another people in place of you, and they will not be like you(much better then you) what more shame you need are we that shame less? Indeed we are, repent to him and start opening your mouths at least before it’s too late.

Use your skills no matter what profession you belong post on internet send links in chat sessions televise yourself, go on radio, call your non-Muslim friends meet them where ever you find them, , ask them if they have any doubts about Islam, clear them have a talk with them clear your misconceptions about them if you have any, proceed in manner that is most gracious and beneficent don’t think it’s not your job, or you’re not scholar of Islam, our prophet peace and blessings of Allah be upon him and his family said “convey the message about me (about Islam) even if you know one verse”,
so brothers and sisters please please pickup yourself and ask yourself what you can and how you can inshallah Allah will help you, use any resources you have and just go for it if you think you can’t do anything, and yet you want to enter heaven then stand on the road and shout your massage, yes STAND N THE ROAD AN SHOUT THE MASSAGE people may reward you with eggs and tomatoes but it’s not new for us (muslims) people stoned the prophet ( PBUH) he bleed so much his feet stock in shoe with blood and dried for this very same massage ,we should learn from this, inshallah Allah will reward us with Janna ( Paradise,)
May Allah guide all the Muslims on the true path and May Allah guide the non-Muslims to the truth?